Spring Trials

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Videos of California Spring Trials 2016 Ubiquitous
  Videos Published by Breeders, Commentators and Organizations Abound
(4/18/16) -- If a picture is worth a thousand words, then most would suggest video reviews of Spring Trials might offer millions. And indeed, the efficiency, visual clarity and scope are enhanced and broadened. Videos of Spring Trials are now commonplace -- channels such as YouTube in combination with Social Media sites have made it simple to upload a video from anywhere. Live steaming is likely to start in 2017, and be in the mainstream by 2020. We will live stream Spring Trials in 2017, with opportunities to have live, interactive sessions.

For 2016, we have uploaded just shy of one hundred videos of some of the new offerings and ideas from our trip. You can see them on the SpringTrials.org Home Page or visit our Video Archive. We will shortly be enhancing these, with photos and cultural notes. Our goal will be to produce the most comprehensive and rich presentations of each new variety as they are introduced. Thousands per year....

There are, as stated, hundreds of videos, perhaps thousands at this time, from Spring Trials 2016. Search YouTube for SpringTrials.org and see everything that appears. Broaden your search to variations, such as "Spring Trials 2016" or "California Spring Trials". Or, do a quick Google Search. We especially like the coverage from GIE Media. Happy Growing (and watching videos) from SpringTrials.org!

SpringTrials.org 2016 Video Archives

Stopwatch Series by Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc.

From Benary Spring Trials 2015.

Stopwatch Portulaca Scarlet Stopwatch Portulaca White Stopwatch Portulaca Rose Stopwatch Portulaca Yellow