Spring Trials

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Twitter and other Social Media Become Mainstream
  Numerous Online Reviews of Spring Trials 2016
The #NGBPlantNerds Twitter feed (4/11/16) -- In the not too distant past, Spring Trials (then Pack Trials) was covered by industry magazines, typically up to three months after the event, in May, June or July. In 1995, we saw the first semi-live coverage of The Short Course, but it has taken twenty years for it to hit the mainstream of the Floriculture trade. The scramble to "be the first" on the Internet seemed novel to many at this year's event. Perhaps the advent of Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook and other social media outlets are to blame. If You are looking for quite good coverage, and differing perspectives, you're just a click away.

The folks at the National Gardening Bureau were quite active this year, coordinating a crew of garden writers to visit Spring Trials, but more importantly, to post their experience on Twitter. The #NGBPlantNerds are self-described as "Five Popular Garden Communicators Share Their Experience From CA Spring Trials". We crossed their paths several times during our Spring Trials visit. Check out there unique perspectives and of course the re-tweets that can send you into an endless journey of Spring Trials yourself.

Of course, the more "intuitive" Twitter feeds can be found at the respective hash tags of #CASpringTrials and at #California Spring Trials each of which offer excellent commentary and perspective, with re-tweets between each and a host of other sources. The Twitter universe is abuzz with content and comments. We're working on live Twitter feeds here at CASpringTrials.org, so stay tuned for new content and tools shortly.

The #NGBPlantNerds feed from Spring Trials 2016

Dandy Series by Plant Source International

New from Plant Source International, Spring Trials 2016 at Speedling: Dandy Geranium 'Orange' featuring clusters of bright red-orange to red flowers on short sturdy stems protruding several inches above a canopy of frilled-edge bright-green foliage.

Dandy Geranium Orange Dandy Geranium Orange Dandy Geranium Merlot Mex Dandy Geranium Merlot Mex