Spring Trials

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California Spring Trials 2016 Underway
  Rainy days a mixed blessing
(4/9/16) -- Well, the adventure is underway. Clouds and rain at GreenFuse, Ball and Grolink. Seems clearer as we approach Lompoc after a full day. Several new series at GreenFuse including Grandstand Salvia, Momento™ Nemesia and Marineland™ Lobularia. Too many new introductions @ Ball to mention here and to many displays @ Grolink to cover here, though the PlantHaven Water Saving display was fodder for some fun.

Day two was overcast in Beullton as we visited several displays at Windmill Nursery including many new varieties from TerraNova and trusted specimens from Kientzler. We moved on to HGTV Collection where we learned about a new relationship with EuroAmerican to supply product and we then rounded out the day with Dummen Orange at two locations. Day 3 @ Floricultura was with Westhoff, Beekenkamp and PlugConnection, followed by Sakata, Takii and Golden State Bulb.

Day 4 was with Proven Winners at their new location where many annual, perennial and shrubs were presented, followed by Pacific Plug and its many vendors and then Benary, who presented new begonias and other specimens. Finally, we visited Speedling with its six vendors, then moved on to Danziger and finished at Syngenta. Keep tuned for all the details as we compile them. Happy Growing from SpringTrials.org


FlowerPower™ Series by Ball Horticultural

New from Selecta® as seen @ Ball Horticultural Spring Trials 2016.

FlowerPower™ Osteospermum Spider Purple 17 FlowerPower™ Osteospermum Spider Purple 17 FlowerPower™ Osteospermum Spider Purple 17 FlowerPower™ Osteospermum Pink 17